

Restoring your natural flow




Healing yourself

Have you been struggling with some personal challenges, want to lift your energy, improve your health, and improve your emotional state? 

Here at Taleasium, we are specialists in natural healing!  We look at your situation from a holistic point of view.

  • We teach you how to look after your energy.
  • Help you release any suppressed emotions! Don’t worry it’s not as bigger deal as you think. 
  • Teach you how to safely feel again!
  • Coaching around life-style changes. 

Our unique healing method first started from the work of the late Dr. David Hawkins and using his technique to measure people’s emotional vibration.  He has a great book called ‘Power vs Force’ and here is a link to his work:

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

– Nikola Tesla

After Adam had been using this method and worked through his training in Reiki, he was talking to Dave Sewell (co-founder of Taleasium) who at the time was Adam’s business coach.  After many talks, they realized they had similar interests in intuition and human behaviour. They started to get together on a weekly basis to start studying and unpacking how energy/mind/body interact with each other and this was the start of a massive journey. 

We noticed there were many gaps in knowledge around intuitive practices, energy healing and to be honest a lot of hope that it would work.  We started unpacking intuitive abilities, and how to further benefits others’ well-being.  We developed many new energy healing techniques that were simple, but precise and tested them repeatedly with clients.  We noticed many symptoms of clients would just start disappearing or healing quite quickly and to this day that is what we track, your symptoms which clients repeatedly use as their evidence that what we do works! 

While we have found some limits currently on what we can heal, we have been blown away by the changes we have witnessed.  We continue to advance our knowledge to help others to this day and our healing continues to go to the next level.  We have now started teaching our techniques which you can see on our courses page.

Click here to check out our testimonials page!

If you are wanting to heal, evolve, become the best version of yourself, learn to heal others you are in the right place!